Saturday, February 11, 2012

Advocare 24 Day Challenge Update

Well, my 24 day challenge by Advocare is up.  At first, I was a little disappointed.  Since weighing myself on day four, I've only lost four pounds...four pounds in twenty days. I lost two inches around my waist and two inches from my hips too.  I have a long way to go.  It is hard not to get discouraged, but I need to focus on how good I feel!  I feel amazing!  I know that I am doing this the healthy way and that I need to be patient.  Patience...not my thing.  I need to remember that it took about two years of eating garbage and being inactive to get me to this point.  I splurged today and had a couple pieces of pizza.  Tomorrow, I will be back to eating healthy though.  I really believe that this is a new life-style and not just a diet.  I am still a believer in the Advocare products.  No, I didn't have any miraculous results, but I am headed in the right direction.  I believe that Advocare has helped me turn things around.  The Spark not only helps give me energy, but it also curbs my cravings for sweets.  Anybody who knows me, know that sweets are my weakness!  I came across the picture above on Pinterest.  I have lost four of those in twenty days!  This picture definitely helped improve my attitude about my progress.  I am slowly getting back to myself.  I've missed me. 

1 comment:

  1. 2 inches on your waist and 2 on your hips is a way better reward than the pounds!!! Good work!
