Sunday, January 29, 2012

A gift from my dad...

For years, I carried this around with me.  My dad had cut it out of a paper or magazine and had given it to me.  I don't know what happened to that piece of paper, but the message has stuck with me.  That's not to say I haven't lost sight of it now and then... I am putting it here as my 2012 version of a crumpled paper to carry around with me.

By Robert J. Hastings
   TUCKED AWAY in our subconscious minds is an idyllic vision.  We see ourselves on a long, long trip that almost spans the continent.  We're traveling by passenger train, and out the windows we drink in the passing scene of cars on nearby highways, of children waving at a crossing, of cattle grazing on a distant hillside, of smoke pouring from a power plant, of row upon row of corn and wheat, of flatlands and valleys, of mountains and rolling hillsides, of city skylines and village halls, of biting winter and blazing summer and cavorting spring and docile fall.
     But uppermost in our minds is the final destination.  On a certain day at a certain hour we will pull into the station.  There will be bands playing and flags waving.  And once we get there so many wonderful dreams will come true.  So many wishes will be fulfilled and so many pieces of our lives finally will be neatly fitted together like a completed jigsaw puzzle.  How restlessly we pace the aisles, damming the minutes for loitering, waiting, waiting, waiting for the station.
     However, sooner or later we must realize there is no one station, no one place to arrive at once and for all.  The true joy of life is the trip.  The station is only a dream.  It constantly out distances us.
     When we get to the station that will be it!" we cry.  Translated it means, "When I'm 18 that will be it!  When I buy a new 450 SL Mercedes Benz, that will be it!  When I put the last kid through college that will be it!  When I have paid off the mortgage that will be it!  When I win a promotion that will be it!  When I reach the age of retirement that will be it!  I shall live happily ever after!"
     Unfortunately, once we get "it," then "it" disappears.  The station somehow hides itself at the end of an endless track.
     "Relish the moment" is a good motto, especially when coupled with Psalm 118:24: "This is the day which the Lord hath made, we will rejoice and be glad in it."  It isn't the burdens of today that drive men mad.  Rather, it is regret over yesterday or fear of tomorrow.  Regret and fear are twin thieves who would rob us of today.
     So, stop pacing the aisles and counting the miles.  Instead, climb more mountains, eat more ice cream, go barefoot more often, swim more rivers, watch more sunsets, laugh more and cry less.  Life must be lived as we go along.  The station will come soon enough.

Advocare...keeping it real.

Just a few weeks ago, I was struggling.  I was tired constantly.  I was miserable, and I had little to no hope that it was going to get better any time soon.  I felt guilty for how I was feeling.  I have the most amazing husband a woman could ask for.  Our twelve-year-old daughter is perfect and healthy.  I have accomplished more with my education than I had ever thought I would.  My career is on track.  I have a comfortable home.  I have three loyal dogs.  I have a loving family. 

Who was I to be miserable?  In this world, where mothers are in pain over the failing health or loss of their children, who was I to be miserable?  In this world, where people are alone, who was I to be miserable?  In this world, where people are homeless, who was I to be miserable? Yet, I was.  No matter how much I berated myself for having the audacity to feel miserable when I had so much to be thankful for, it didn't change the simple fact that I was.  I was miserable. 

My life felt very out of control.  I had gained about 30 pounds and kept gaining every week.  I had gotten to the point that I didn't even want to leave the house unless I had to.  I had two pairs of pants that fit, and I refused to buy more in the size I was wearing.  I looked and felt frumpy daily.  I didn't want to be touched even to be hugged.  I felt sluggish and yucky all the time.  I would start my day with a cup of coffee full of creamer (loved the coconut flavored).  Then on my way to work, I would have a pack of Pop Tarts with a Diet Coke.  While at work, I would have two to three more diet sodas.  I would have a Lean Cuisine of some sort at lunch, and I would usually have candy or something with it (makes sense, right?).  After work, I would come home and eat garbage (chips, candy, etc.) and more pop.  Then I would "cook" dinner.  It would typically be a frozen pizza or frozen burritos and fries or something like that.  I would have another Diet Coke with dinner. Several times throughout the day, I would try to talk myself into making a change.  I would try to talk myself into going to the gym that I was paying fees for monthly, but I couldn't-wouldn't- actually ever do it.  I felt like I was swirling around a drain...I was headed in a downward direction and not headed anywhere good.

I had thought about the Advocare 24 day challenge, but I was resistant.  I did not, and do not, believe that there is a magic pill to make a person healthy.  I do not believe there is an easy fix.  I also hate spending money on myself and almost $200 is a lot for me to spend on myself.  I knew what I needed to do.  I just needed to get off my lazy rear and go to the gym.  I just needed to eat healthier.  Just.  One night, out of desperation, I splurged and bought it.  I figured if I spent that much money, I would follow the program.  I threw our coffee pot away.  I stopped buying soda.  I printed the grocery list and did my healthy shopping.  I don't think I had bought that many fresh fruits and veggies in the last year.  Our daughter, Abby, was confused.  She called me out.  "I thought you didn't believe in diets."  She was right.  I had said that, and leave it to her to call me out.  That is when I really made the commitment.  It isn't a diet.  It is a life-style change.  I explained to her that I want to change for all of us to be healthier.  I want to be able to play with my grandchildren some day (which she curled her nose up at because that would mean she would have to have children some day...She has just recently learned how babies are made, so this is a completing disgusting idea to her.)

I know there are critics out there.  I know the products do have some "artificial flavors" and other things that some people frown upon.  I also know that I have never felt better.  I know these products are full of vitamins and are way healthier than coffee and pop.  I am a little over half way through the Advocare challenge.  I haven't had miraculous weight loss.  It has been average at best, but I am no longer swirling the drain.  I am headed in the right direction.  I have hope.  These products are not a magic pill.  They have simply given me a hand up.  They help give me the energy and motivation to put in the work at the gym.  The Spark is by far my favorite.  When I feel lethargic during the day or start to have a craving for garbage food, I drink a Spark.  It gives me a burst of energy and kills the cravings.

During the first 10 days (the cleanse), I had a hard time keeping up with the eating schedule.  I felt like I was always eating, and I was always full!  As a teacher, it was really hard to eat every three hours.  I did my best, and kept to the schedule as best as I could.  I thought that I would be using the bathroom constantly.  I was urinating every hour (which is also difficult as a teacher), but bowel movements were NOT happening.  I increased my water and fruit intake, and that helped a little, but I was still constipated and bloated.  I couldn't even get my rings off at one about discouraging, but I had paid the $200 and I was sticking to it:)!  When I do the cleanse again in three months, I will take in even more water and eat more fruit.  The last day of the cleanse, and the day after, the bloating and the constipation were somewhat relieved.  I don't own a scale, so I did not weigh myself until the fourth day.  On the fourth day, I actually really felt like going to the gym!  There was no more, "maybe tomorrow" or "I am too tired", I wanted to go!  I weighed myself then and the number was more than depressing.  It would have been even more difficult to take, if I didn't have that very important four letter word...hope.  Seven days later, I weighed myself again.  I felt amazing and had been working out consistently and following the plan, so assumed I would have lost major pounds.  I hadn't.  Again, it would have been very discouraging if I wasn't heading in the right direction.  I had only lost a couple pounds.  I couldn't believe it!  I felt so good and my clothes seemed to be fitting better...2 pounds???  I went home and measured myself.  I had measured myself on day one of the cleanse.  I had lost 1.5 inches around my waist.  I will admit there was some disappointment with the lack of weight loss, but I am heading in the right direction.  I am getting back on track.  I feel great!  I have energy.  My family is eating healthier too!  I can't keep my husband out of the Spark and my shakes.  I had to order more.  There are critics that say Advocare is nothing more than a placebo effect.  Based on what I have read and experienced, I don't agree, but even if it is, I'll take it!  I am healthier and happier.  I feel like I am taking control of my life back.  The products are a little spendy, but I added up what I was spending on coffee, pop, Pop Tarts, and other garbage and that was expensive too.  I am not a big salesperson, and I didn't get involved with Advocare to make money; however, I believe in the products so much that I have become a distributor.  I am not going to promise you miracles or lie to you to get a sale.  If you have questions, contact me and I will tell you what I know.  If you decide to order the products, I will be happy to sell them to you because I believe in them.  I will keep you posted about my experience!  The link to my Advocare site is below.  Just copy it and paste it in your browser.  To ask questions, follow the directions.  To purchase click on Shop Now.
Until next time,